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Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Transformation: Joint Pain and Subluxations Eliminated

Josh Bowman, Whealth Hypermobility Program Member:

“When I was diagnosed with hEDS, the advice I got was to avoid sports and be super careful—a recipe for becoming pretty inactive, which in hindsight, was terrible for my health.

Each dislocation, from elbows during lifts to knees during squats, or shoulders during volleyball, it chipped away at my confidence.

Over time, I just stopped doing certain exercises, and a layer of anxiety built around physical activity.

Every time I tried finding workout tips for people with hEDS online, I’d end up more anxious and down than before, lost in medical jargon and depressing testimonies.

I knew I needed to get over my fear of working out, so I spent $2000 on physical therapy, which gave me one joint-safe routine that I eventually outgrew.

I was stuck, scared that changing up my routine would injure me again.

Then I found Whealth’s Hypermobility Program, and honestly, it’s been life changing.

For half of what I spent on physical therapy at Whealth, I’ve gained so much more.

It’s tough to put into words how valuable this course has been—I’ve learned so much about managing hyper-mobility, and the community support has been incredible.

In just the first five weeks, I felt my body stabilizing. I was getting to know my joints better, learning how to work them safely and build strength without fear.

Recently, I’ve tackled harder exercises and started seeing some nice gains. The course doesn’t just offer physical training; it’s packed with knowledge, resources, and life hacks that have been super helpful. Several times, Andrew @the.shirtlessdude or @katertot would share a tip or trick for managing hEDS that hit so hard it brought me to tears.

I felt so seen and supported in such a specific way that I hadn’t really experienced before.

This program isn’t just a bunch of workouts; it’s a lifeline. It’s given me tools, knowledge, and a community that’s helped me take back control and start enjoying being active again.”

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