I Thought my Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Diagnosis Meant a Life of Unfixable Pain - I Was WRONG (hEDS)
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Kelsie Stone, Whealth Hypermobility Program member writes:
"I have a painful connective tissue disease called Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Doctors called me a “moderate-to-severe” case.
Chronic pain changed the physical structure of my brain – I was diagnosed with medically-induced c-PTSD.
The pain was so constant that I broke my spine in three places and DIDN’T NOTICE. Doctors found it by accident after it already healed. hEDS and this pain made me think:
Doctors told me:
"You’ll never have kids, never get married.
You’re too much of a burden. You’ll suffer your whole life." Doctors didn’t say much different than these thoughts.
They me offered narcotics. Injections. Surgeries. Treating symptoms, not the source.
Then I noticed this strength-training program called Whealth on my timeline. Week after week, I saw free educational content on Instagram – and I started to wonder.
Doctors commanded me not to work out, but this program claimed to be created by hypermobile people – people like me – specifically FOR us, and I had to know if it was real. So I took the plunge. I could always get a refund, right?
Three 30-minute home workouts a week later… and my life has changed more than I ever knew it could. I’m strong now. I’m proud of my body. It seems unbelievable, but I feel like I blinked and got stronger.
I do the things I love just like I used to, but the difference is I don’t pay the price anymore.
💃 I can swing dance with my boyfriend.
✈️ I can visit Europe with my siblings.
👩🍳 I can bake, cook, clean, and support my family.
👶 I can hold my niece as she sleeps in my arms.
Life doesn’t cost me anymore. Now my body loves movement for the medicine it is, and it holds up. I’m still hypermobile, but I’m not weak anymore. Everything is easier.
What Was I Dealing With?
These were my diagnoses and struggles before Whealth:
✔ Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS)
✔ Medically-induced c-PTSD from chronic pain
✔ Scheuermann’s Disease
✔ Schmorl’s Nodes
✔ Thoracic spinal wedging (T7, T8, T9 compression fractures)
✔ Severe cervical misalignment (head shifted inches forward)
✔ Chronic joint instability & dislocations
✔ Failed physical therapy that worsened inflammation
✔ Unnecessary rib resection surgery due to misdiagnosed instability
Where I Thought My Life Was Headed…
Between what doctors told me not to do and the overwhelming negativity in hypermobility support groups, I truly believed I was:
❌ Unfixable
❌ Broken
❌ Going to be permanently disabled by 30 …Until I Did the Whealth Hypermobility Program
All I ever heard in the world of chronic illness was that we were helpless. But I want you to know that’s just. Not. True. I dare you to prove the doctors wrong – you deserve a chance to live!"