Explore 1000s of success stories and see how people from all walks of life—from pro-athletes to grandparents—have overcome pain, built lasting strength and mobility, and achieved life-changing results.
Before Limitless, she dealt with 35 years of unsolvable pain. (Doctors, PTs, Chiro, Medications, etc couldn’t help) - TODAY SHE IS PAIN FREE!!!
Before Limitless, she did endless rounds of dry needling, PT, and massages—nothing worked. This finally got her out of pain.
In a few months, his pain reduced 60%... In just 7 months, he went from constant pain to lifting weights again, reducing his disc bulge from 17mm to under 7mm.
She tried chiropractic, massage, injections, supplementation, acupuncture, but her pain only worsened. Within 12 weeks, she eliminated 100% of her pain with Limitless.
I now have LESS PAIN and better understanding of what recovery looks like for my body/injury (the little setbacks don’t weigh me down - used to wreck my day).
hEDS and this joint pain caused me anxiety and chipped away at my confidence. I spent $2,000 on physical therapy but didn’t get any long term resolutions until I did the Whealth Hypermobility Program.
This program has given me my life back and gave me the tools to dig myself out of the hole I was in and move forward inspired, grateful, motivated, and happy to continue growing towards being pain free and stronger than ever.
After doing 3 months of this program every day, I am pain free- lifting, moving, enjoying all of the things I love again!
I also overcame SIJ pain, a back muscle strain, FAI in right hip, plantar fasciitis and heel spur on right foot, left knee meniscus, shoulder impingement in both shoulders, labral pain in left shoulder, neck sprain from failed backflip, numerous rib subluxations, golfers and tennis elbow in both elbows, chronic hamstring strain in left, chronic thanar pain (thumb), shin splints, Achilles pain in both Achilles, and a bunch of other more minor pains.
Immediately after starting, I started to see small improvements. There were ups and downs, but after just 2 months of doing the program, I have seen a HUGE decrease in my back pain and sciatica, and it’s almost gone.
hEDS and this pain made me think: “You’ll never have kids, never get married. You’re too much of a burden. You’ll suffer your whole life.”
Before Whealth, I poured almost $10,000 into chiropractors, supplements, massage therapists, physical therapists, and yes, even surgery.
In 5 months of Whealth, I feel better than I ever have.
I have had reconstructive surgeries on both ankles, knees, and hips… bilateral tibial/fibular derotational osteotomies, b. femoral osteotomies, b. tibial tubercle osteotomies, and b. hip joint reconstruction. So yes I am more titanium than flesh at this point LOL
It’s like an all star line up of the most effective exercises/mobility drills. I actually take less time warming up and doing mobility than I have in the past, but am feeling better than I ever have in my career.
He tried Chiro, PT, Injections, Acupuncture, but nothing worked.
In 4 weeks of Limitless, he was completely out of pain. 2 months later, he played golf for the first time in 8 years with NO PAIN!
Doctors told me to stop lifting weights and I’d never be strong again due to my hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I listened and only got sicker and weaker.
Luckily I found Whealth, I am lifting, climbing, working out, and am stronger than ever.
In February 2020, I had a Knee Replacement just in time before the pandemic shut down my PT site.
Whealth's Limitless program had prepared me so well pre-surgery and was the best PT post surgery help & rehab than I could have imagined.
Today at 71 years old, I am more active and energetic than I can remember.
After 2.5 months of Whealth, my back is pain free, I have no more sciatica, and I’ve improved my ankle mobility exponentially, plus I’m lifting when the doctors say I couldn’t ever again! I had tried everything except surgery, but this program was the only thing that worked.
Before Whealth, she had tried
-Physical therapy
- Chiropractor
- Egoscue
- Decompression table
- Cold plunging
- Regular therapy
- Injections
- Inversion table
In 4 months of Whealth's Hypermobility Program, I've eliminated 10+ years of chronic aches and pains in various places I have never been able to solve.
“Two weeks ago, I had debilitating sciatica and 10/10 pain from a herniated disc. I relied on a walker, crutches, and daily ibuprofen.
Today, I’m only a 1/10 pain just by doing 14 days of the Limitless Program ”
I heard horror stories of back surgery, especially for people my age (30) where if I did one surgery I’ll probably need several more in my lifetime, so I told myself and my wife I wouldn’t get surgery. I would exhaust all other options first.
An L5-S1 disc herniation with sciatica down his right leg threatened his career.
For 3+ years, Brycen tried different Drs., chiro’s, pain meds, and PT’s to fix my back pain and sciatica, but was never able to truly get pain free.
3 months later, he is 100% pain free from the Limitless program.
He tried nerve blocks, steroid shots, physiotherapy, and manual therapy… so he started Limitless.
Within just 2 months, he felt 60% better with my movement vastly improving.
7 months later, he says: “I NO MORE NERVE PAIN and now great control of my spine and hips, so much more aware of the way my body can move and how to address pain.”
I starting a career in nursing because I was passionate about helping others. I enjoyed working as a critical care nurse but I grew increasingly frustrated with our healthcare (sick care) system as a whole.
After navigating the medical system as a patient with and struggling to get the answers to my own health issue, I realized how many other people were struggling and being left without guidance.
I also overcame SIJ pain, a back muscle strain, FAI in right hip, plantar fasciitis and heel spur on right foot, left knee meniscus, shoulder impingement in both shoulders, labral pain in left shoulder, neck sprain from failed backflip, numerous rib subluxations, golfers and tennis elbow in both elbows, chronic hamstring strain in left, chronic thanar pain (thumb), shin splints, Achilles pain in both Achilles, and a bunch of other more minor pains.
I was hurting more than I can put into words, so I gave up gym work, cycling, running- all things I loved doing- in fear of my pain. I had also spent £800 on treatments that offered no real improvements, just temporary relief and a lot of fear. I got fed up and knew it was time for self-exploration… and came to Whealth.
I suffered from 3 disc herniations and severe sciatica and got diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome right before I started Whealth’s Limitless, Strength, and Hypermobility programs.
I went from feeling completely helpless and not wanting to exist to feeling empowered and SIGNIFICANTLY less pain. Andrew, Katie, and Whealth saved my life.

“I met Andrew in 2016, after 10 years of pain and feeling like sh*t. His knowledge changed my life, made me a better athlete, a better person, and a better father.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, my friend.”
— Sam “Wavedoctor” Girard, Canada

"I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was about 3 yrs old & at 15 I had a thoracic fusion to correct it, and prevent further curvature... When I was 25 I started having severe left hip pain. I would come home from work to just cry because it hurt so badly & I had no idea why... Today - I am completely pain-free & more balanced than I have ever been! I had a child with zero back pain or complications which I never in my wildest dreams thought was possible."
— Ashley Fischer, 29

“It was EXACTLY what I needed. Andrew and the Whealth team gave me ALL the tools I needed to break unhealthy habits and take back control.”
— Sandy M., Los Angeles
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