We help you get back to doing the things you love.

We believe your health is your wealth. Simply put, your health is your true currency that dictates how you will spend your time - both in years and quality. Take ownership of your health and live the life you deserve.

There are so many problems today with our Healthcare system (or should we call it sick-care…oops, that is a rant for another time), and the need for a new perspective in health could not come at a better time. Our goal is to bridge the catastrophic gap between our most pressing health problems, and its so-called “solutions.”
Today’s modern lifestyle has removed many of the healthy stressors we once encountered on a daily basis thousands of years ago, and has overwhelmed us with chronic negative stresses. As we move less, eat more, and interact with unfamiliar environments, stress, anxiety, obesity, heart and chronic disease, to name a few, are rampant in today’s day and age. Today’s “solutions” to these massive problems however merely seem to acknowledge any of the lifestyle problems in the first place, leaving us an overprescription of drugs or treatments that only focus on symptoms. Simply put, most methods attempt to solve chronic problems with acute solutions, and we are here to change that. It starts with changing your lifestyle. One habit at a time.
At first, our core competencies started in movement and nutrition. When integrating proper movement and nutrition into lives, results are staggering (fat loss, injury resolution, performance, energy, elimination of chronic disease, to name just a few). However, we realized throughout the years that we were leaving so much on the table by ignoring other facets of health. We started to emphasize mindset, restoration, and environment into our education and courses, and the results were absolutely mind-blowing.
At Whealth, we are committed to teaching the same healthy lifestyle habits we practice on a DAILY basis- and those of which we have been practicing for YEARS. We know that we can change global health with the right education and your own action- and we cannot wait to welcome you to invest in your Whealth.

Pursue health in all forms.
Seek out the good, especially when it doesn’t seem so.
Adapt to adversity.
Embrace a growth mindset.
Laughing is good for the soul. Do it, until your stomach hurts.
Own your decisions and your outcomes.
Be true to yourself and others, when eyes are on you or not.
Respect yourself and others, always.
Enjoy the moment. Every journey has its end.
Communicate openly and honestly.