L4-L5 and L5-S1 Disc Degeneration Healed Without Surgery or Pills: 19 Year Old Limitless Member’s Success Transformation

Written by Ahmed , 19 years old in Limitless Program

“When I was just 16 years old, I had an MRI done which showed degeneration at the L4/L5 & L5/S1 level.

I was immediately told by doctors to not lift again, stick to easy sports and to not bend my back.

Hearing that I have the back of a “60 year old” and that “my discs will never be the same again” were one of the most depressing and hurtful statements to hear.

However, I simply knew it was not true, there had to be a solution.

For 3 years I went to multiple spine “specialists” and doctors who would just put me on painkillers 💊 and muscle relaxants as a solution to my problem.

No one tried to address the underlying issue, or offer a solution for the long run.

At this point, my pain was just getting worth month by month.

Even when I listened to doctors and stopped the movements they mentioned I would feel much worse.

Physical therapy seemed like a good choice; however, it was too short, expensive and unspecific to target my pain.

I was lost and had no idea of what I should do until I found
@whealth on youtube back in September.

I saw one of their success stories and their reviews and almost told myself “this has to be too good to be true, there’s no way these reviews are real”.

Cam encouraged me to trust the process and to BELIEVE that I would get better.

I listened to his advice, and here we are half way through the program later feeling more hopeful, less depressed and MUCH more optimistic for what’s to come.

This is the best I’ve felt in years (I’m 19 now) and I’m sure it’s only up from here!!”

When you’re ready to live a life free of pain and enroll in our programs, use code AHMED100 for $100 off our programs! Our programs all come with a 30-day $ back guarantee!


Drs. said my 8mm L5-S1 Disc Herniation would never heal… I’m PAIN FREE thanks to the Limitless Program


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