20 Year Old With L5/S1 Disc Bulge Who Avoided Surgery- Austin Fleming
Hi, my name is Austin Fleming (20), and I’m from Galveston, TX.
Since I was 18, I have dealt with an L5-S1 disc bulge. This disc bulge has kept me from my
biggest passions like working out and traveling. I couldn’t be on my feet for more than 20
minutes without being in pain. I had tried just about everything you can in hopes of fixing my
back. I had been to doctors who told me I would never lift again. I had gotten epidural shots
and tried tons of PT, all to no avail. I felt defeated. I was ready to quit and adjust to life with a
bum back. Right as I felt ready to throw in the towel, I came across Whealth.
Within just 2 weeks of Limitless, I noticed most of my pain had faded. For the first time in years, I was able to go throughout my day without the fear of moving. I could start living normally again. I felt empowered of my own body once again. After just 5 weeks total, I became completely pain free - and I am back to doing what I love. I am traveling, lifting and doing anything else that I please. Mentally I feel better than ever. I am not scared of my body or of movement. Aside from the great programming from the Whealth team, the community is unmatched. You can truly feel the passion and desire to help others from everyone in there. I have never experienced anything like it.
I just recently turned 20 and feel stronger than ever. With the help from Whealth, I am exactly
where I want to be right now. I changed from a person ready to quit and extremely hopeless, to a person that is in control of his own body and extremely happy with where they’re at. I am truly grateful for Whealth and the hope, happiness, strength, confidence and freedom that it has given me. To anyone that has been told they’d never lift again, who has been told to live with a back brace, that has tried everything, that feels hopeless or that is ready to give up, Whealth is for you and it can truly change your life!