Bobby Overcomes L3L4, L4L5, L5S1 Disc Herniations/Bulges, Hip Impingement, and Becomes 100% PAIN FREE -Without Surgery

Written by Bobby West, 30 y/o - Original post on Instagram

“When I was just 25 years old, I had already experienced 5 years of chronic lower back and hip pain. After spending $10K+ over that time on passive treatments and my pain continuing to worsen, I began to feel hopeless and depressed. My desire to keep trying was reaching its limit.

Over this time, I was diagnosed with:

• Leg length difference

• Scoliosis

• SI joint pain

• Lumbar facet joint arthritis

• Disc herniations (L3/L4 & L4/L5)

• Disc bulge (L5/S1)

• Hip impingement

• Winging shoulder bladed, Flattened Neck curve

On September 20, 2017 I found Andrew on IG and enrolled in his first online rehab program. His story of overcoming back pain and avoiding surgeries inspired me and gave me hope. Little did I know at the time, but this was the day that my life was about to change forever.

Andrew’s teachings helped me learn about my body and discover what was contributing to my pain. He always encouraged me to focus on what I CAN do and that I would improve from there. And he was right about that. This positive mindset was so important.

I worked hard and progressed quickly. Almost all of my chronic pain was gone in about 90 days!!

Since “graduating” from the rehab program in June 2018, I’ve been on quite the journey. I’ve applied everything I’ve learned to how I train and how I live my life. I’ve also done Whealth’s Strength and Conditioning program, which is awesome. It has all led to some pretty insane results and achievements.

Today I’m the happiest, healthiest, strongest, and most athletic I’ve ever been.

And most importantly, I feel like “Bobby” again.

If you’re on the fence about joining the Whealth programs, DO IT. Being in pain sucks. Living a limited life sucks. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome pain. You must be willing to put in the work for it. The Whealth team and community will guide and support you every step of the way until you’re exactly where you want to be.

Thank you so much to Andrew, Katie, Cameron and the entire Whealth community.”


What are the Right vs. Wrong Movements?


Lilian Avoids Spine Surgery, Overcomes a 7MM Cervical Disc Herniation, Becomes 100% PAIN FREE - with the Limitless Program