Whealth Co-Founder Cam Overcomes L5S1 Disc Herniation & Sciatica, Makes 100% Recovery Without Surgery

Written by Whealth co-founder Cameron Borch:

“After suffering from 6 months of back and leg pain, I went to one of “the best” chiropractors in the Bay Area seeking a solution.
He diagnosed me with an L5-S1 disc herniation and Berlotti’s Syndrome and told me my life would never be the same.
I was just 21 years old and it felt like the person who was supposed to uplift me just shattered my future and dreams. He told me:
1) I would need to wear a back brace for the rest of college/indefinitely to “protect” my spine.
2) I should not lift anymore to avoid further spinal damage.
3) I was born with a bad back, it was just genetics. Oh, and “try not to get too depressed.”
I called my brother and cried. He asked me if I really believed all that. I told him no, I dramatically ripped up my MRI report, and decided I would find a way forward. No matter what.
1 week later, I found @the.shirtlessdude and immediately started his rehab program because he had a similar injury (10 mm L4L5 herniation) that he overcame successfully. He was the beacon of light for me in a dark time.
Within 3 months of his program, I was pain free. It wasn’t always easy.. some days were harder than others. But nothing was harder than living with pain.
Today (5 years later) I’m free to do everything I want athletically, I’m enjoying life with friends, family, and loved ones, and am building @whealth with Andrew and Katie to continue sharing this message: you can overcome your pain when you believe in yourself and do the work.
Before meeting Andrew, I was naively relying on professionals/treatments to fix me. I spent time and $$$ on Chiro adjustments, massage, heat & ice packs, electrical stim, traction tables, massage guns, you name it. Nothing worked.
After overcoming my injury, I realized that the true power was within myself all along, and elevated through the right mindset & community. You hold this power too.
We currently have over 2200 members at Whealth who have done/are doing our programs, and the results are nothing short of remarkable. Don’t give up.
If you want to overcome pain/injury and transform your life, our programs will guide you there.”


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