Bryan Avoids Back Surgery & Overcomes a 4CM Disc Herniation, Sciatica, Spondylolisthesis and becomes 100% PAIN FREE

“Holy sh!t! 4 CENTIMETERS?! What the HELL did you do?” said my spine doctor reading my MRI.

Those words scared me.

One year ago, I was diagnosed with a 4 cm L5-S1 disc herniation that, per the MRI report, was “obliterating the sciatic nerve.”

It started first as a mild ache on the back of my leg … which eventually turned to debilitating pain.

All the things I love to do came to an abrupt stop. I passed on ski trips, quit my hockey league, stopped biking, running, lifting.

I could not sit in a chair anymore nor perform my job.

I even started to fill out paperwork to go on disability.

I lost muscle mass, confidence was at an all-time low and I was genuinely depressed. Pain & my new sedentary lifestyle crushed me mentally and my relationships.

I sought out 3 Drs. opinions because I had a goal: to hear that I could avoid back surgery.

Every opinion was the same: “You need surgery and likely a fusion in the future”

(I also had an L4-L5 disc herniation & spondylolisthesis)

There was no significant injury that I could pinpoint… I had to try to find an alternative to surgery.

I consistently tried yoga, did rounds of dry needling/PT and saw a chiro, but nothing worked. What the hell was I doing wrong?

I learned that @theshirtlessdude went through a similar injury in the past but got through it, so I joined his LIMITLESS program.

I slowly worked through the program each day and repeated a lot of the exercises at my own pace. Everyday wasn’t great, but I stayed consistent. I started with one breath, one move, one exercise at a time.

Today, a year since starting Limitless, I am PAIN FREE and have returned to doing the things I love. My most recent MRI showed the herniation as “markedly improved.”

Without this program I might have looked for a quick fix & got surgery.

I now feel BETTER than ever & have improved mobility.

I’m back on the mountains hiking, playing hockey, lifting, running, golf & biking, and it feels F*CKING great!

If one person reads this & takes action, I am happy. Many people are unaware of the tools available to overcome injury and this is a great place to start, one day at a time. Whealth & Limitless changed my life.” - Bryan Crosby

Original Post on IG here.


Please, Don’t Wait til New Years to Improve Your Health.


How Alvaro Overcame 3 Years of Pain From a Shoulder Impingement, Disc Herniation, and Sciatica