Please, Don’t Wait til New Years to Improve Your Health.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Ancient Chinese Proverb.

People have already told us that January 1st is coming - the day that will significantly "change their lives." These people tell us they are in pain (or have a goal) and will start taking care of it after the holidays. The problem is that they've been in pain since LAST JANUARY; how will next January yield a different result? Hint: it won't!

The truth is there there is no perfect time to start learning a new skill or starting a new routine. Monday isn't better than Saturday. January isn't better than November or December. After finals week isn't better than during finals week. The best (not perfect) time is NOW. Taking action advances more action.

We can have a million reasons or excuses why we should wait to start taking action, but this delay in action often results in pushing off your goals even more.

To truly grow and progress, we must tackle our most challenging tasks first rather than putting them off. Your physical health is one of your most important measures of wealth. Taking care of it is essential to your happiness and success in life. Start improving your physical and mental health NOW.

People are often concerned that improving their bodies will take an hour a day. The truth is that it is often best to start small - start with 10-15 minutes per day. Short and sweet is more attainable and repeatable and often yields better results than "going all in" for an hour or two each day. The hour or two is NOT sustainable; therefore, you never achieve your goal.

If you have been struggling with pain anywhere in your body, stop waiting to live your life to the fullest! Get started today.

What New Year's resolutions/goals do you currently have and how can you get started on them now? Or maybe you are already working on your goals and not waiting for the new year?!

Reply back here and let us know. Until next week,

-Andrew the shirtless dude

PS - we want to say thank you to the 180 new members who joined us and our programs this November. Congratulations on taking the first step towards improving your health and pain. Your roadmap is laid out for you; all you have to do is stay consistent with your program the remainder of the year and carry on the momentum in 2023. You are on the path to becoming free of pain and injury!


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