L5-S1 Disc Herniation 3 Month 100% Recovery - NO MORE SCIATICA/BACK PAIN - 24 Year Old Firefighter

Written by Brycen Spencer, 24 y/o firefighter from Oregon:

“In June of 2019 I was diagnosed with an L5-S1 disc herniation with sciatica down my right leg, which was devastating. I was told that running and lifting heavy was a thing of the past for me. I was told to start looking for a different career path after I had just had become a paramedic.

As a 24 year old firefighter/paramedic, my back pain made me nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to continue in this career. We are constantly putting our body in dangerous and susceptible positions.

For 3+ years, I had been through the ringer with different Drs., chiro’s, pain meds, and PT’s to fix my back pain and sciatica, but was never able to truly get pain free.

To save my livelihood and career, I joined Limitless. I stumbled upon Whealth through instagram and saw coach Cameron @camborch & Andrew @the.shirtlessdude had both been through a very similar story, which really resonated with me. It gave me hope that I could get my life back!

Within just 2 weeks, I had an incredible reduction in pain which directly improved my quality of life. I was bending down to tie my shoes, throwing my socks on with no thought. My range of motion and confidence had started to come back.

In 3 months, I finished Limitless and have absolutely no sciatica.

I bend down to pick things up, I go into house fires knowing I am strong and capable. I go on trips with a new peace of mind.

I am back to lifting heavy, golfing, and just ran again for the first time in months, pain free!

I’m looking forward to doing Whealth’s Strength & Conditioning program next because I want to continue to build upon the foundation that limitless has provided me.

Though injury and flare ups are inevitable, I have peace in mind knowing that I now have the tools to quickly and efficiently return to my baseline.”

When you’re ready to live a life free of pain and enroll in our programs, use code BRYCEN for $100 off our programs! Our programs all come with a 30-day $ back guarantee!


How to Bulletproof Your Body from Pain and Injury: Progressive Overload, Tissue Resiliency, Consistency


Oliver Reverses a 17 mm Disc Bulge, Eliminates Sciatica and Pain, Gets Back to Lifting