Oliver Reverses a 17 mm Disc Bulge, Eliminates Sciatica and Pain, Gets Back to Lifting

Written by Oliver Stokes:

“I had a severe 17 mm disc bulge and nerve root compression at L5/S1 in April 2022, which caused debilitating pain, I literally couldn’t move.

I first tried steroid shots and a nerve block to alleviate the pain, but the pain returned.

From there I started manual therapy and was doing your standard rehab exercises for months but my injury only got worse… there was no structure to it, it felt useless.

I then tried another round of shots in Aug 2022 which gave only temporary relief until the nerve pain returned.

I tried dry needling, which didn’t work.

So I got more shots in October 2022, pain persisted, so I got an MRI in November.

The doctor said I needed ANOTHER nerve block and that I needed to stay away from heavy lifting.

Previous to this, I’ve competed in amateur bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting and functional bodybuilding, so it felt like my whole identity was pretty much taken away due to this injury.

I finally had enough.

I’d seen Whealth on Instagram for a while and followed @the.shritlessdude from a few years back, so I took the plunge and bought the Limitless programme in November 2022 and never looked back.

Within just 2 months, I felt 60% better with my movement vastly improving.

I just kept plugging away day by day and today (7 months later) I have NO MORE NERVE PAIN and now great control of my spine and hips, so much more aware of the way my body can move and how to address pain.

I’m now back in the gym, lifting every day, able to belt squat in excess of 280kg for reps, something I thought I’d never do again, and something the Doctor said to not do.

I just got a second MRI (June 2023) and it shows my nerve is no longer blocked and my disc bulge has reduced from a “severe” to a “mild.”

What no one talks about is the mental aspect of pain. I used to be depressed, I now love my life and am hopeful, confident, and happy. I’ve put back on the 6 kg I lost.

I can’t recommend this programme enough.”

@ollie177 on Instagram

When you’re ready to live a life free of pain and enroll in our programs, use code OLIVER for 10% off our programs! Our programs all come with a 30-day $ back guarantee!


L5-S1 Disc Herniation 3 Month 100% Recovery - NO MORE SCIATICA/BACK PAIN - 24 Year Old Firefighter


Whealth Co-Founder Katie Recovers from Diastasis Recti, Disc Bulges, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery, Hip Labral Tear, Scoliosis, hEDS challenges