Lisa Overcomes 3 Disc Herniations, Sciatica, and Chronic Pain with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Written by Lisa Zane:

“I suffered from 3 disc herniations and severe sciatica and got diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome right before I started Whealth’s Limitless, Strength, and Hypermobility programs.

I went from feeling completely helpless and not wanting to exist to feeling empowered and SIGNIFICANTLY less pain. Andrew, Katie, and Whealth saved my life.

For my whole life as a high-level athlete, I always "sucked it up" to get through injury after injury. 

However, I always had bizarre health issues that didn't seem to make sense that no expert seemed to be able to help with directly so getting diagnosed with EDS helped me realize I wasn't crazy and that was a huge step in the right direction.

The second step in the right direction was enrolling and working through the Whealth programs. 

When I met Andrew and Katie I was essentially immobile with pain all over, could only stand for 10-15 minute spurts, and couldn't sit down at all. My quality of life was at an all-time low.

The Whealth programs have given me the tools to manage my back injury and EDS together and a whole host of other issues that were contributing to my pain.

Because of how much stronger I am, I’m back to skating, running, rollerblading, and am going to keep adding to this. I literally thought my life was over before Whealth and I didn't know how I would continue.

I have made significant improvements physically since I started their programs but the biggest improvement has been mentally - the way I view my pain and what I can do about it is entirely different now. 

For me every system in my body has been impacted by EDS. Strength training through the entire range of motion at each joint and staying active have helped me reduce my symptoms beyond measure. If you have EDS or are hypermobile and are in pain I highly recommend this program - it is the best way to proactively improve your quality of life with EDS.”



26 Year Old Overcomes Chronic Back, Shoulder, and Neck Pain with Whealth Limitless


Crossfit Athlete Overcomes Pain from L4L5 & L5S1 Disc Herniation, Sciatica, Shoulder Impingement with Limitless