The Science of Electrolytes

I wanted to talk about something that I have been religious about incorporating into my lifestyle the past year or so: daily electrolyte supplementation. Last November, a company called LMNT sent us some of their most popular sugar-free electrolyte drink mixes, and it is safe to say that our entire team has been hooked ever since. I personally drink 2-3 LMNT electrolyte packets with my water every day and have noticed an improvement in daily energy, performance, and cognition throughout the day, and better focus during my workouts. I know Andrew, Katie, and Shiloh use LMNT electrolytes each day and love the hydration effects as well!

Let’s keep it short and sweet, and if you are enthused enough by the end of this blog, click on this link to try a free sample pack of LMNT electrolytes here.

You probably know or have heard of electrolytes as the hydrating minerals found in sports drinks, but I would venture to say your knowledge ends there (because I know prior to drinking LMNT, I had very little knowledge too!)

So, what are electrolytes?

They are minerals in your blood, sweat, or urine that help support nerve, muscle, bone, heart, and brain health. They also help allow nutrients into cells and produce energy. The most important electrolytes for nutritional health are:

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Phosphate

  • Chloride

  • Bicarbonate

  • Copper

  • Zinc

We’ve heard that hydration is key for health and performance... but what most people don’t know is that just simply drinking water ALONE will not make you hydrated. Water PLUS electrolytes are key. When you drink too much water without minerals, you can actually mess up your electrolyte balance. If you are very active during the day or play sports, your body loses water and minerals through sweat (namely sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium), so it is important to keep an eye on this.

So, what are some of the scientific benefits of electrolytes?

(There are a lot, so I will keep the list short)

  1. Enhances athletic and exercise performance.

  2. As I said, when you sweat, your body loses water and minerals. Electrolytes via food or drink mixes will re-balance your levels.

  3. Promotes better sleep.

  4. Strengthens Immunity. Magnesium for example helps your body control inflammation.

  5. Improves Focus & Cognition.

  6. When you are dehydrated or low on electrolytes, memory, and attention worsen.

  7. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

  8. Supports Heart Health

  9. Strengthens the Muscles and Bones

  10. Improves Digestion

How Do You Know if You are Getting Enough Electrolytes?

This is important so I will emphasize it AGAIN: when you sweat, you don’t just sweat out water. You sweat out salt, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chromium, copper, zinc, iron, AND water.

People report some of these symptoms when they are low on electrolytes: muscle cramps/twitches, muscle weakness, headaches, fatigue, confusion, mood changes, loss of appetite, constipation, frequent urination. As always, speak with a doctor and see what is right for you.

For me personally, I didn’t know I was low on electrolytes, because I just felt “normal” every day. However, when I started upping my sodium and magnesium intake via LMNT packets last year, I noticed that I felt better before, during, and after my workouts.

Depending on how much you work out & sweat, and how well-balanced your diet is (you get minerals from nutritious foods), your electrolyte needs will vary.

Top Electrolyte Foods

Eating a well-balanced diet will help you replenish electrolytes throughout the day. Below is a section from our nutrition course found in Limitless, program where we deep dive into some of the most nutritious foods on the planet. I eat more or less according to this food pyramid!

Some of my favorite (mineral-rich) foods are pumpkin seeds, avocado, sardines, salmon, beef, chicken, eggs, turkey, organ meats, scallops, shrimp, nuts, berries, dairy, cheese, Brussel sprouts, onions, carrots. If you have more questions about your nutrition, I would recommend checking out our Limitless Program!

Electrolyte Supplementation and Bottom Line

The bottom line is this: you can avoid an electrolyte imbalance by eating a healthy diet and drinking enough water. That being said, supplementing a well-balanced diet with electrolyte packets like LMNT may be beneficial for a few reasons:


  1. Food today lacks the same concentration of minerals as it used to (as our soil gets depleted), so by nature, it is harder to reach your ideal levels of minerals.

  2. Most electrolyte mixes are pumped with added sugar. In a world where most people probably need LESS sugar, LMNT is a great option.

  3. IF you are an athlete or active throughout the day, you may want to add in supplemental electrolytes. I drink them before, during, or after my workouts.I also have salt first thing in the morning with my water - BEFORE my coffee.

  4. LMNT just tastes amazing! No sugar added, pure goodness.

If you are encouraged to try LMNT, click on this link to get a free sample pack. You won't regret it!

Let me know if you have any questions about this week’s blog! If you have any feedback on these blogs, let us know. We love to help share knowledge and value wherever we can.

Wishing you the best,

Cam at Whealth


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