Intermittent Fasting- How it Works and 5 Types Explained

As I brushed up on the research online and available resources, I couldn’t find many good articles that covered the different time frames of intermittent and prolonged fasts from an hourly perspective and beyond. The goal of this piece is to walk you through how intermittent fasting works, five types/progressions of intermittent fasting, a brief look at prolonged fasts, and their potential use cases. 

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Nutrition Nutrition

Five Favorite Animal-Based Proteins

Optimal intake of protein can help to build muscle, repair the body, and crowd out bad food options by helping you feel full faster. Most people can benefit by prioritizing protein as a part of a balanced diet aiming for 0.75-1 gram of protein per lb of ideal body weight per day.

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Nutrition Cameron Borch Nutrition Cameron Borch

How Foods Affect Your Emotions

It turns out the quality and types of foods and nutrients you consume can have a big impact on how you feel and think. Stay tuned, because at the bottom I will share 4 top foods to eat for an improved mood- backed by science.

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Nutrition Guest User Nutrition Guest User

5 Reasons to Prioritize Protein

This might come across as rather unorthodox, but I am starting to believe that adequate protein is the most crucial component to every diet, regardless of eating preferences, for optimal longevity and wellbeing.

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Nutrition Guest User Nutrition Guest User

Top 5 Plant-Based Foods

There can be a lot of confusion about which foods really are the "best" when it seems everything makes the list. For me, superfoods are the foods that have the biggest *noticeable* impact on wellbeing. Over the last 7 years, I've had the opportunity to experiment A LOT, so I compiled a list of the top 5 favorite healing plant foods that I've (anecdotally) found to date:

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Nutrition Cameron Borch Nutrition Cameron Borch

Why You May Want to Eat a Low-Carb Diet (At least Temporarily)

Metabolic flexibility is the ability for your body to fuel its energy needs from the food you eat (carbs or fats) or the energy stored on your body (fat from hips, thighs, butt, etc.). This adaptation that we once had was HIGHLY important because it allows you to use energy from your body (or fats) in times of food scarcity.

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Nutrition Guest User Nutrition Guest User

Busting 5 Nutrition Myths

By quickly scanning any social media platform, you’ll notice there’s no shortage of “health” advice.....and myths. Below, you’ll find 5 common myths that still confuse and distort good nutritional advice.

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Nutrition, Supplements Guest User Nutrition, Supplements Guest User

Our Top 5 Supplements

Once dialed in with those aspects of our diet, supplementing can be beneficial to further your results and overall sense of wellbeing/health. Below you'll find 5 of my favorite supplements that can make a significant impact when paired with a well-constructed diet:

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Nutrition, Fasting Guest User Nutrition, Fasting Guest User

Fasting: What is It, and Why it Matters

Fasting is becoming increasingly popular in health circles as a free, easy tool to improve metabolic health. How easy? It requires doing literally nothing! It’s the practice of abstaining from eating. You’ve likely heard of various names such as intermittent fasting and extended fasting, both of which appear to yield tremendous benefits. Below you’ll find five health benefits that contribute to its rise in popularity.

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Nutrition, Fats Guest User Nutrition, Fats Guest User

5 Favorite Fats

Fat is an essential part of the diet. Once feared, we now know that healthy fats help boost brain health, lower cholesterol levels, keep us full, and improve cardiovascular health. Below, you’ll find our favorite fats we include in our diet on a regular basis:

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Nutrition, Supplements Cameron Borch Nutrition, Supplements Cameron Borch

The Science of Electrolytes

We’ve heard that hydration is key for health and performance... but what most people don’t know is that just simply drinking water ALONE will not make you hydrated. Water PLUS electrolytes are key. When you drink too much water without minerals, you can actually mess up your electrolyte balance. If you are very active during the day or play sports, your body loses water and minerals through sweat (namely sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium), so it is important to keep an eye on this.

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