Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder Caused Her 10 Years of Pain… “Whealth Changed All of That”
Whealth helped me eliminate pain from Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. Previously, I had spent over over a decade trying various medications and treatments, most of which made my symptoms worse (or left me in more pain).
Paul Overcame Ankle and Shoulder injuries, Lost 40 lbs, Tackled Depression & Addiction
Whealth helped me overcome ankle and shoulder injuries, lose 40 lbs, and most important - tackle mental health challenges and depression. Doctors told me all that would help me were cortisone shots and avoiding lifting… they were wrong.
Collegiate Water Polo Player Overcomes Chronic Pain from Hip Labral Tear and Surgery, FAI, TOS, and Ulnar Nerve Pain
Limitless helped me overcome 2 years of ulnar nerve pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, a hip labral tear, FAI, & hip surgery, when years of doctor visits did nothing.
How Jimmy Successfully Rehabbed 4 Knee Surgeries
Standard PT never worked and I found myself in constant pain Within 8 weeks of starting the LIMITLESS program, my pain subsided and I began to notice improvements in knee, hip, and ankle strength that had not been present in years.
Jana Grujic overcomes a 13.7 mm disc herniation, cancels surgery, and gets off her pain meds
She was diagnosed with a 13.7 mm L4L5 disc herniation & scheduled back surgery. She cancelled her surgery and joined Limitless as a last ditch effort. 3 months later, neurosurgeons say she no longer needs surgery & her herniation has reabsorbed significantly. She cut down her pain meds, reduced her pain, and is back to lifting.
3x National Champion Hockey Player Overcomes Disc Herniations and Pain -Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS)
The holistic and preventative tools you learn from the Whealth Team will help you take care of yourself to the best of your ability for life.
Laura Overcomes Years of Chronic Pain from Hypermobility
To anyone with hypermobility, I would highly recommend committing to Whealth. You will learn that you are strong and resilient and go further than you ever have with any other treatment. You will be supported by an excellent community, and you will improve your quality of life.
Hypermobile Athlete Overcomes His Chronic Pain- Sam Indresano
Whealth has been the best resource in overcoming my chronic pain. I feel that I have made more progress in learning to overcome this chronic pain over the last 4 months than in the prior 4 years combined.
Hiker and Carpenter Falls 75 Feet Off Cliff and Overcomes T10 and T12 Fractures- Seth Williams
The idea of slowly losing mobility as life happens was my reality. I had pursued the traditional path of recovery, Chiro every month for 2.5 yrs. Message therapy once a month for 4 yrs. Yoga, stretching, Bowflex, anything that might provide some relief. Always hit a dead-end and couldn’t get the long-term fix I needed…
D1 Athlete Who Overcame Her Back Injury and SI Joint Pain- Stephanie Bryden
I was scared to do things that made me happy because I always worried “what’s going to hurt next?”. Then I stumbled upon Whealth! 2 years later I have completed Limitless, S&C and the Nutrition course and I feel like an entirely new person!
Mother and Crossfitter Who Overcame Her L4/L5 Disc Herniation- Erin Price
The Limitless program and community helped me view pain through an entirely new lens. I began to listen to my pain rather than fear it. I used pain as motivation to truly listen to my body and improve in the areas I was lacking: movement, mental, and nutrition.
Strength Coach Overcomes Disc Herniations, Disc Bulges, Hip Impingement, Scoliosis, SIJ Pain, Arthritis, and More
Bobby overcame pain from a leg length difference, Scoliosis, SI joint pain, Lumbar facet joint arthritis, Disc herniations (L3/L4 & L4/L5), Disc bulge (L5/S1), Hip impingement, Winging shoulder blades, and Flattened neck curve through Limitless
20 Year Old With L5/S1 Disc Bulge Who Avoided Surgery- Austin Fleming
Within just 2 weeks of Limitless, I noticed most of my pain had faded. For the first time in years, I was able to go throughout my day without the fear of moving. I could start living normally again. I felt empowered by my own body once again. After just 5 weeks total, I became completely pain-free - and I am back to doing what I love.
Mother Eliminates Pain from Scoliosis, Spondylosis, Disc Herniations, and Arthritis- Ashley Fischer
Despite having congenital scoliosis, I am pain free and literally stronger than ever and I owe that to this team. I never knew that my movement patterns were leading to more imbalances on top of my scoliosis - which I have greatly improved.
Actor Who Overcame Thoracic Herniations and Disc Bulges- Austin Reed Alleman
For those of you in chronic pain, I cannot recommend this program enough. It has changed my life. Without it, I’m not sure where I’d be today. It’s up to you to put in the physical and mental work. But the tools that will last a lifetime are right here.
Personal Trainer Who Avoided Surgery (L4/L5 Herniated Disc)- Andrew Price
If you are in pain, check out Whealth. Your health is YOUR responsibility. Whealth will help guide you there. Don't wait around for someone to change your life - it is up to you.
MLB Pitcher Who Overcame Knee and Elbow Pain- Adam McCreery
This is what I have come to love about the Whealth program. It’s like an all-star lineup of the most effective exercises/mobility drills.
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